Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blog 5: Project Reflection and Working EQ

1. One positive thing that has happened to me so far, is the appreciation of all working professionals. What I mean is that every job has its own work attached to it, these professionals use many skills to complete their work at the best of their capabilities. During my summer mentorship at Fullerton College Lab School, I saw many kinds of ways teachers would communicate with students. For example, Enrique an autistic student would jump around before nap time and teacher Karin would say, "Enrique we do not jump around, it's time for us to sleep." By communicating that way with Enrique, students start to figure out that they should not do that because it is wrong, helping students learn right from wrong. Before volunteering at the Lab School I would have never thought that teachers use certain techniques to teach students, appreciating what they do because working with 2,3,4,5 year olds is tough.
2. My research has opened my eyes to many things I over viewed before, such as for every one egg there must be 1/4 cup of oil to balance its textures and not ruin the cake. There are various things that must be done to achieve the cake you want.
3. What has worked so far in my senior project is the understanding of my topic, I know that at times it gets hard to understand certain information when you can't ask questions because the author is not there to answer them. But so far my information has been very direct and comprehensive.
4. What has not worked for me is finding my sources, especially since my topic does not have many easy reachable sources. When I do find my sources or research it is very helpful but finding it is very tricky. I google Cupcake articles and it gives me recipes, I don't need that! I guess I have to be more specific.
5. Darla's Cake Design is a potential mentor, I am still getting the final confirmation. Dolissismo is another potential mentor. I have to persist. "What is the fundamental strategy needed towards having a successful and running Cupcakery?", is a question I was thinking of persuing because having delicious cupcakes is not the only thing needed to run a successful Cupcakery.

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